May 15 2003
24° reunion of the Mediterranean Group of public service unions took
place in a very intense moment for the European and International trade
union movement. Central elements of debate were the 10th Congress of the
European Trade Union Confederation and the coming celebration of the
European Federation of Public Service Unions’ Congress (EPSU) in the
Spring of 2004. Before
all, we cannot only but confirm our commitment in the defence of peace
against terrorism. The war in Iraq, the unending violence in the Mid East
and the terrorist attacks in a great part of the world, are clearly a
threat for planetary citizens and therefore for the men and women workers.
For this reason, the new international order dominating since the
terrorist attack in the United States on the 11th of September
and the “preventive” war against Iraq, are giving shape to new
international relations that limit freedom, International and national
legislation and, definitely weaken democracy. The
divide in Europe is evident, also as a consequence of the international
policy headed by the Bush Administration. The initial position of the
British and Spanish governments and the opposition of France and Germany
to this strategy did so that the countries of the European Union and the
new States from the East and South of Europe aligned with the one or the
other position on the war in Iraq. This
lack of unity jeopardizes one of the most important challenges of the EU,
as is the conclusion of the European Convention that must give to all of
Europe’s citizens a new Constitution. At
the same time, the slowing European economy is causing the countries
driving the European economy, mainly France and Germany, to go into
recession, if they have not already done so. The answer to this economic
crisis has brought the majority of European governments, be they
conservative or progressive, to carry out a policy of social cuts,
especially on pensions and worsening working conditions for workers in
public services because of cuts in public financing. The liberalization of
wide sectors of services in Europe and its predictable expansion as a
consequence of the General Agreement on Trade and Services (AGCS/GATS) as
pictured in the liberalization policies of the World Trade Organization
(WTO) may implicate a greater deterioration of public services in all of
the countries belonging to the European Union, and is therefore, an
element of struggle for the whole European Trade Union movement, and
especially for public service unions. This
general situation implicates a challenge for the European and World Trade
Union Movement, and this is the reason why it is necessary to strengthen
the work done by the Mediterranean Group and start coordinating with other
non European unions that share with us the same problems in the same
geographical area. For
all of these reasons, the Mediterranean Group -
supports all actions for trade union demands and struggles taking
place during these weeks in all of Europe in defence of public pensions
and the public sector, particularly in France, in Austria, Greece,
Portugal, Sweden and Italy; -
has decided to send a strong message of support to our brothers of
UCAPSE-HISTRADRUT that are struggling to defend working conditions and the
right to collective bargaining in Israel; -
Proposes to examine the possibility of deepening the themes on
decentralization and on public services; -
The Mediterranean Group will exert pressure upon national
administrations and upon representatives to the Convention until the
European Constitution which is to be presented at the end of May contains
the defence of public services and of services of general interest and
fully integrates the fundamental rights charter. The MG promises to
participate in the European demonstration of June 21st in
Thessalonica in concomitance with the European Summit. -
The Group is committed to strengthening connections with the
European Social Forum and the public services group in view of the next
ESF in Paris-St Denis and of the next Mediterranean Social Forum in
Barcelona; undertaking in particular the commitment to propose going more
into depth on the issues regarding GATS, strengthening alliances with the
movements in order to block a liberalist evolution; -
The Group undertakes the commitment to start collaborating with
Euromed on the issue of public services in the enlarged Mediterranean and
will seek initial results for the Euromed meeting to be held in Naples, in
Italy, towards the end of 2003; -
In view of the coming EPSU Congress the coordinating group will make proposals for
gathering approval of the Group to present common amendments to
congressional resolutions and to the Constitution, judging weather to
present a specific Mediterranean resolution;
The Group supports the proposal to reconfirm the President and the General Secretary of EPSU
in view of the coming Congress. -
The Group supports the proposal of a meeting with the president of
the Standing Committee for public utilities in view of an
initiative on energy in the enlarged Mediterranean Group. -
The Group will work to organize a Mediterranean delegation to the Mid East, as decided in Ottawa, in
particular to Israel and to Palestine, together with PSI; -
The Group promises to support and strengthen the role of the
Mediterranean in the youth policies
within the PSI policies; -
The Group gives mandate to the coordinating group to study, in
short time, all of the proposals for strengthening coordination of the MG,
and moreover to study the situation
of the Mediterranean trade unions in PSI (affiliation fees, role of
the Vice-presidents...); -
The Group decides that the 25th meeting of the Mediterranean will take place in Italy next
Autumn. Cyprus
(KTMAS; PASYDY; SEK); France (CFDT-Interco); Greece (ADEDY); Italy (CISL
FPS; FNLE CGIL; FP CGIL); Malta (GWU); Portugal (Sintap UGT; STAL); Spain